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Islamic Novel

Alif Novel by Umera Ahmed Complete Pdf

May 2, 20232 minute read
alif novel by umera ahmed

Alif Novel by Umera Ahmed is the most recent novel created by acclaimed and widely adored female Urdu writer Umera Ahmed. It initially appeared in a nearby month-to-month digest, then was distributed as a total book, trailed by its English interpretation. GEO Television adjusted the story to a television show sequential of a similar name. It is among Umaira Ahmed’s most perused and successful Novels.

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Alif is a story that reveals insight into the association and connection between man and Allah All-powerful. Fundamentally, it is a person’s otherworldly excursion from carrying on with his life away from God to tracking down his direction correctly.

The story begins with a kid named Qalb-e-Momin, composing letters to Allah. He writes subtleties of each easily overlooked detail that happens to drop in a letterbox close to his home. Time elapses, he develops youthful, and his association with God disappears. He carries on with an impressive life and believes that nothing should do with God. That is where the genuine story starts. Despite the fact that he has all that an individual might at any point envision, he actually feels something like a genuine reason in his life is absent. After that, we read about his excursion of tracking back his association with the All-powerful.

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