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Tera Ishq Mashal E Rah By Qamrosh Shehk Complete Pdf

April 24, 20243 minute read
Tera Ishq Mashal E Rah By Qamrosh Shehk

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About Tera Ishq Mashal E Rah By Qamrosh Shehk:

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The creator has explained a few homegrown circumstances as models with the goal that some unacceptable considerations in our general public can be eliminated. Mehwish is an exceptionally lovely young lady from an unfortunate family who can’t satisfy her fantasies because of her neediness. Her dad is a worker. Mehwish has nobody to assist him with satisfying his fantasies. That is the reason Mehwish chooses to investigate the world and finds a new line of work at a spot. She was a couple of months into her occupation when she saw a kid with some unacceptable mentality. Mehwish goes outside to break the chain of neediness from her family, however she doesn’t have the foggiest idea what the horrible world external thinks.

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About This Author/Essayist (قمروش شہک):

Qamrosh Shehk is by all accounts another name, yet it’s anything but another name, however an accomplished author examining the Pakistani society. As indicated by the present circumstance, many homes are encircled by fights and issues which can be addressed by perusing this novel in light of the fact that each novel by Qamrosh Shehk contains words to distinguish the issues and revive the spirit. On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea, you can now recollect the rundown of his books. Raised in a little area of Lahore and with his diligent effort, his name as well as his area’s name has been uncovered at the worldwide level.

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